About Us

About Us

The Lynchburg Area Young Republicans is comprised of members from City of Lynchburg and the Counties of Amherst, Appomattox, Bedford, and Campbell. LAYR serves to support the principles of republicanism by engaging young persons ages 18-40 in Lynchburg and the surrounding localities.

The Lynchburg Area Young Republicans is an official chapter of The Young Republican Federation of Virginia, which is the largest statewide organization of Young Republicans.

As an organization, the Lynchburg Area Young Republicans focus on spreading the Republican message of limited government, individual liberty, strong national defense, and faith in traditional American values.

Club Bylaws

The LAYR Bylaws are the established rules by which the Club governs itself and by which the Club operates. Download the printable version of the most recent bylaws here.

Section 1:
Name – The name of the organization shall be the Lynchburg Area Young Republicans.
Section 2:
Localities – The localities of the Lynchburg Area Young Republicans (hereinafter referred to as “LAYR”) shall be the City of Lynchburg, Amherst County, Appomattox County, Bedford County, and Campbell County.

Section 1:
Objectives – The objectives of LAYR shall be:

A. To develop and maintain an active Young Republican presence within the City of Lynchburg, Amherst County, Appomattox County, Bedford County, and Campbell County.

B. To bring young persons aged 18 to 40 years into the Republican Party, to provide an opportunity for grassroots political discussion and strategy, to train political volunteers, and to provide a practical means by which they may contribute in the development and betterment of the Republican Party, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and these United States of America.

C. To support the principles of republicanism, and to work for the election of all duly nominated Republican Party candidates who are in accord with the Republican Party platform and or the Republican Party of Virginia creed.

Section 1:
Qualification for Membership – Any legal and qualified voter of Virginia within the City of Lynchburg, Bedford County, Campbell County, Amherst County, and Appomattox County, who is at least eighteen (18) years of age, but not yet forty-one (41) years of age, who is not a member of a College Republicans club or another Young Republicans club, who is in accord with the principles of the Republican Party, and who if requested by at least two members, express in open meeting either orally or in writing as may be required their intent to support the objectives of LAYR as stated in Article II, is eligible for membership in LAYR.

Section 2:
Dues – Membership in LAYR shall require the payment of annual dues. The amount of such dues shall be established by the Executive Board, subject to LAYR approval, present and voting at the next scheduled regular business meeting. The current annual dues shall be $10 per individual per year. Dues shall be paid at or in advance of the annual meeting. The Treasurer will immediately notify members who are in arrears. These members in arrears will have until the next regular business meeting to update dues before removal from LAYR. Such members would need to submit a new membership application and may pay dues at time of application as defined by Article III Section 5.

Section 3:
New Members – A majority vote of the members present and voting at a regular quarterly business meeting shall elect the applicant(s) for new membership. An individual so elected shall be declared a member in good standing upon payment of their dues.

Section 4:
Expulsion – The membership may, by a two-thirds vote of those members present, pending quorum, at a regular quarterly business meeting, expel from LAYR any member for any act or conduct deemed undermining the objectives of LAYR, or if such member has been previously expelled from a Young Republican club, a College Republican club, or some other official Republican Committee; provided that the Executive Board has reviewed such proposed action and has made a recommendation, and that such member has been notified by certified mail of the recommendation of the Executive Board at least one week prior to the quarterly business meeting, and that such member has had the right to present a verbal defense in person. Notice of the charges against the member and the recommendation of the Executive Board must be received by the membership at least 72 hours prior to the beginning of the meeting.

Section 5:
Renewal – Any member wishing to renew his or her membership from the previous one (1) year period may do so by submitting an updated member application and paying dues for the present term at any regularly scheduled quarterly business meeting.

Section 1:
Designation – The elected officers of LAYR shall be Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, and Executive Director. All officers shall hold office from the annual meeting until the following annual meeting (1 year). No officer may serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office. Officers shall serve without compensation and must be members in good standing of LAYR.

Section 2:
Vacancies – A vacancy in an elective office shall be filled by an election by the membership if more than six months of the unexpired term remain. If fewer than six months remain, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment from the Executive Board or by special election if deemed necessary by the Chairman.

Section 1:
Chairman – The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of LAYR and Executive Board, appoint committee chairs and committee members, supervise the activities of LAYR, and perform all duties incidental to the office. The Chairman shall serve as the chief fundraising officer unless otherwise assigned.

Section 2:
Vice Chairman – The Vice Chairman shall, in absence of the Chairman, perform the duties of the Chairman, and shall perform such other duties as designated by the Chairman. The Vice Chairman may serve as Chairman of the Membership Outreach Committee or of the Campaigns Committee, unless otherwise assigned.

Section 3:
Treasurer – The Treasurer shall collect and pay out all LAYR funds as directed by the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall deposit such funds in a depository designated by the Executive Board and shall keep accounts thereof open at all time to inspect. The Treasurer shall render accounts of the transactions and of the financial condition of LAYR at each regular meeting and shall submit an annual written report at the January meeting. The Treasurer shall serve as Chairman of the Finance Committee.

Section 4:
Secretary – The Secretary shall be responsible for taking minutes at all LAYR and Executive Board business meetings. The Secretary shall also be responsible for the mailing of all announcements and notices and the handling of all other secretarial work as assigned by the Chairman. The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining LAYR social media and other mass communication tools. The Secretary may serve as Chairman of the Membership Outreach Committee, unless otherwise assigned.

Section 5:
Executive Director – The Executive Director shall be primarily responsible for LAYR political campaign involvement and community outreach. The Executive Director will work to strengthen relationships with Republican units and auxiliary organizations. The Executive Director may serve as Chairman of the Campaigns Committee, unless otherwise assigned.

Section 1:
Duties – The Executive Board shall consist of the elected offices of LAYR, and shall be responsible for the management of all LAYR activities, subject to the approval of the membership.

Section 2:
Meetings – Executive Board meetings shall be held as such times and places as the Board shall decide, and each Board member shall receive at least three days notice from the Chairman. A majority of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.

Section 3:
Attendance – Any member of the Executive Board who misses three consecutive meetings of the Executive Board or three consecutive General meetings, and does not show valid cause within 15 days, shall be considered to have vacated his or her office from which Article IV Section 2 would take effect.

Section 1:
Regular – The Executive Board shall set the date and time for each quarterly regular business meeting. Notice of the meeting shall be given to the general membership at least seven days in advance of each meeting.

Section 2:
Annual – The first regular quarterly business meeting of LAYR shall be held in January of each year and shall also be the annual business where LAYR elections shall take place.

Section 3:
Quorum – A quorum shall consist of one-fifth (20%) of the total membership or ten (10) current dues-paying members, whichever is least.

Section 1:
Annual – The election of officers shall be held at the annual meeting in January and officers-elect shall take office at the end of that meeting.

Section 2:
Ballots – Voting in all contested races shall be by secret ballot. No proxies shall be allowed. Fifty percent plus one of the votes cast shall constitute a majority for election (50% + 1 vote). If a majority is not obtained on the first ballot, the two candidates receiving the most votes will be the candidates on a second ballot.

Section 3:
Special Election – In the case of a vacancy as defined in Article IV Section 2, the Chairman, or Vice Chairman if the Chairmanship is vacant, may call for a special election subject to the provisions of this same Article.

Section 4:

Election Process – A call for the election must be submitted by the Chairman, or Vice-Chairman if
necessary, thirty (30) days in advance of the election.

Candidates must pre-file with the Nominations Committee Chairman at least 10 full days in advance of the Election; at which time they will be given full access to the eligible voting members list. Nominations Chairman must release the eligible candidates list for
each position not later than seven (7) full days prior to the election meeting.

The Chairman shall appoint a Rules, Nominations, and Credentials Committee Chairmen
at least 20 days in advance of the election.

Rules Committee: Shall establish the rules which shall govern the operation of the election, i.e. speech times, nomination speeches, order of speeches, and other related items to the operation of the election.

Nominations Committee: Shall receive candidate declarations from members and validate their candidacy.

Credentials Committee: Shall validate member credentials at the time of the election to ensure a fair voting process.

At the time of the election a Temporary Chairman and Temporary Secretary may be elected to preside over the election meeting. These individuals may not be candidates for office.

Section 1:
Standing – The Chairman shall appoint the chairman of the Standing committees. The Standing Committees shall be limited to the Campaigns, the Finance, and the Membership Outreach Committees. Each Standing Committee chairman shall be considered a non-voting member of the Executive Board unless he or she is currently an officer on the Executive Board.

Section 2:
Duties –
A. The Campaigns Committee shall be in charge of volunteer organization for political campaigns, whether at the national, state, or local levels.
B. The Finance Committee shall be chaired by the Executive Board Treasurer and shall assist the Executive Board Chairman in fundraising efforts for LAYR.
C. The Membership Outreach Committee shall assist the Executive Board in the recruitment of new members and the organization of social events. The chairman of the Membership Outreach Committee shall be considered as the Director of Outreach for LAYR.

Section 3:
Special – The Chairman, with the approval of the Executive Board, shall establish all such special committees as deemed necessary, with each special committee chaired by a member of the Executive Board unless otherwise assigned.

Section 1:
Endorsements – LAYR shall not endorse, nor contribute from its funds, any candidate who is running for any Republican nomination for public office unless that candidate is unopposed for that nomination. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent a member or officer of LAYR from endorsing or campaigning for a candidate in a contested nomination.

Section 1:
Affiliations – LAYR is a member of the Young Republicans Federation of Virginia (YRFV), and shall
be subject to these Bylaws and the bylaws of said Federation.

Section 2:
Convention – The Chairman must submit a list of delegates for the YRFV State Convention to the Federation Chairman or designee, as specified in the YRFV bylaws, at least 7 days prior to the convention. Only current, dues-paying LAYR Members may be delegates.

Section 1:
Authority – The rules contained in the latest edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised” shall govern all proceedings, except when inconsistent with these Bylaws.

Section 2:
General Counsel and Parliamentarian – The Chairman, with the approval of the Executive Board, may appoint a Parliamentarian and/or a General Counsel. Any General Counsel appointed shall be a member in good standing of the Virginia State Bar.

Section 1:
Submissions – A proposed amendment to these Bylaws shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary at any regular meeting, at after which time the proposed, unedited amendment(s) shall be sent to the membership within three (3) days for review. The proposed amendment(s) shall be voted upon at the next regular quarterly business meeting.

Section 2:
Notice – The call for the next regular quarterly business meeting sent to all members shall contain notice of the proposed amendment to be voted upon.

Section 3:
Amendment Vote – An amendment to these Bylaws shall pass if receiving 2/3 vote of those members voting at any regular meeting, pending quorum. If quorum is not met, the amendment vote(s) shall be postponed to the following business meeting with proper notification sent to the membership.

Section 1:
Definition – The placing of pineapple on top of pizza for the purpose of consumption.

Section 2:
Annual Vote – At each annual meeting of the Club, a vote will confirm or deny pineapple on top of pizza as a legitimate pizza topping.

Section 3:
Voting Process – This yearly vote may be by a raise of hands, standing, or by secret ballot, pending a motion, second, and simple majority voice vote of whichever voting method. No voice vote will be allowed during the actual pineapple on pizza vote. Only current, dues-paying Club members shall be allowed to vote. If the vote is tied, a motion for a second ballot may be made. There shall be no third ballots. No motion to suspend the rules may be made at any time during this process.

Section 4:
Resolution of 2018 – The vote of current, dues-paying members present at the 2018 annual January business meeting was a tied vote as to the question of whether pineapple on pizza was a legitimate pizza topping.

Section 5:
Resolution of 2019 – The vote of current, dues-paying members present at the 2019 annual January business meeting resulted in 78.6% in favor and 21.4% against as to the question of whether pineapple on pizza was a legitimate pizza topping.

Section 6:
Resolution of 2020 – The vote of current, dues-paying members present at the 2020 annual January business meeting resulted in 57.1% in favor, 23.8% against, and 19.1% abstaining as to the question of whether pineapple on pizza was a legitimate pizza topping.

Executive Board

The Executive Board of the Lynchburg Area Young Republicans consists of five elected offices who are responsible for the management of all LAYR activities, subject to approval of the membership. Members of the Executive Board are elected to one-year terms at the annual meeting in January each year.


R. Mallory Cook



Jesse Mast
Vice Chairman


Jesse Murch


Michelle Murch




Michael Horst
Executive Director
